Crafting Pathiri with Love: The Ultimate South Indian Flatbread Experience

Crafting Pathiri with Love: The Ultimate South Indian Flatbread Experience

Crafting Pathiri with Love: The Ultimate South Indian Flatbread Experience


Pathiri, a traditional South Indian delicacy, is a thin, soft, and round rice flour flatbread. It’s a staple in the Malabar region and often enjoyed with various gravies or curries. In this guide, we’ll explore two popular versions of Pathiri: the classic Plain Pathiri and the flavorful Stuffed Pathiri.

Crafting Pathiri with Love: The Ultimate South Indian Flatbread Experience
Crafting Pathiri with Love: The Ultimate South Indian Flatbread Experience

Recipe 1: Plain Pathiri


  • 2 cups rice flour
  • 1 1/4 cups hot water
  • Salt to taste
  • Water for kneading
  • Ghee or oil for brushing


  1. Preparing the Dough: a. Place the rice flour in a mixing bowl. b. Gradually add hot water while stirring continuously to form a crumbly mixture. c. Allow the mixture to cool slightly. d. Gradually add more water and knead to form a smooth, pliable dough. The consistency should be like that of chapati dough. e. Cover the dough and let it rest for about 30 minutes.
  2. Shaping the Pathiri: a. Pinch a small portion of dough and roll it into a ball. b. Flatten the ball on a clean, rice-floured surface to form a thin, round disc (approximately 5-6 inches in diameter).
  3. Cooking the Pathiri: a. Heat a non-stick pan or tawa over medium heat. b. Carefully transfer the flattened Pathiri onto the pan and cook on both sides until it puffs up and develops light brown spots. c. Brush with ghee or oil while cooking for a delightful flavor.
  4. Serving: a. Serve the Plain Pathiri hot with your favorite curry or gravy.

Recipe 2: Stuffed Pathiri


For the Filling:
  • 1 cup grated coconut
  • 1/2 cup jaggery, grated
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
For the Dough (same as Plain Pathiri):
  • 2 cups rice flour
  • 1 1/4 cups hot water
  • Salt to taste
  • Water for kneading
  • Ghee or oil for brushing


  1. Preparing the Dough and Filling: a. Prepare the dough following the same steps as mentioned in the Plain Pathiri recipe. b. For the filling, mix grated coconut, jaggery, and cardamom powder in a bowl. Ensure the filling has a slightly sticky consistency.
  2. Shaping the Stuffed Pathiri: a. Pinch a portion of dough and roll it into a ball. b. Flatten the dough ball to form a small disc in your palm. c. Place a spoonful of the coconut-jaggery filling in the center. d. Fold and seal the edges to encase the filling and form a round stuffed Pathiri.
  3. Cooking the Stuffed Pathiri: a. Heat a non-stick pan or tawa over medium heat. b. Carefully transfer the stuffed Pathiri onto the pan and cook on both sides until it puffs up and develops light brown spots. c. Brush with ghee or oil for a delightful taste.
  4. Serving: a. Serve the Stuffed Pathiri hot with a side of coconut milk or your favorite curry.

Enjoy the delightful journey through the flavors of South India with these delicious Pathiri recipes! Whether you prefer the classic Plain Pathiri or the stuffed version, these dishes are sure to tantalize your taste buds and transport you to the heart of traditional South Indian cuisine.

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